WP-20 WastePress is designed for water removing (pressing) of biowaste from processing line, which is first chopped/cutted on WCH-20 WasteChopper.


  • Designed for direct connection with WCH-WasteChopper.
  • Removing of up to 75% water from waste.
  • Adjustable pressing capacity for energy saving.
  • Machine is executed of stainless steel.
  • Electric system is driven by PLC with collor touch screen operator panel.
  • Connection to the existing waste transport system.
Lis odpadu, lis kukuričného odpadu, lis bioodpadu, Waste Press, drvič kukuričného odpadu
Lis odpadu, lis kukuričného odpadu, lis bioodpadu, Waste Press, drvič kukuričného odpadu
Lis odpadu, lis kukuričného odpadu, lis bioodpadu, Waste Press, drvič kukuričného odpadu
spracovanie odpadu z kukurice, príprava biomasy
spracovanie odpadu z kukurice, príprava biomasy


Waste processing system is designed for chopping (cutting) of waste and water removing (pressing). It is usefull for wide range of agricultural products as corn, peas, bean, spinach, atc.

The Waste processing system consist of two machines:
1. Waste Chopper WCH-20 WasteChopper
2. Waste Press WP-20 WastePress